Tuesday, June 15, 2010

The McKenzie Clan of Glenisla and Lintrathen

I've been trying to figure out the best way to share and compare information on the McKenzie family of Glenisla and Lintrathen, Scotland. I'm sure there are hundreds of descendants of our McKenzies family, living in Scotland, the United States, and Australia. So here's an attempt to set up a place to post pictures and histories, a place to compare sources and conclusions.

1 comment:

  1. Gaye,
    Great job on this site. Thanks for taking on this task. Hopefully, we will have good communication among our cousins around the world.

    I will be adding information very shortly about David McKenzie, half brother of your James, (my 2nd GGrandfather) and his family. However, it will not be as eloquently written as your material.

    Take care,
