Saturday, October 23, 2010

Recent Visit to Scotland

Posted by Kit Kunkel:
My husband, Bob, and I recently returned from a 3-week visit to Scotland, with most the time spent in Angus County. Of course, the purpose of the holiday was for me to "walk in footsteps" of my family. We spent our first few days in Edinburgh, then moved on to the Dundee area where we spent 3 nights with Barrie and Olwyn Jack at their historic country house "Duntrune House" built in 1826. If you ever are visiting in that area, you MUST go stay at their bed and breakfast. They are not only gracious hosts, but extremely knowledgeable about genealogy especially in the Angus area.

Then we were off to stay for 10 days at West Balloch Farmhouse just outside of Kirriemuir, this was a self-catering arrangement. Little did we know when we made these arrangement that self-catering meant that you needed to provide your own face soap and toilet paper! After got past that little hurdle, the stay location was wonderful. We were in the middle of farm country, with kale growing outside of back door, cattle and sheep grazing in near distance, and the most beautiful sunrises just outside of living room window. Our weather was skies every day except one. Yes, it did mist each day but only for a few minutes. An umbrella was needed only once. Back to Duntrune House for a couple of more nights, then off to Edinburgh before leaving for home.

We tromped about the following cemeteries and took photos of monuments that we thought would be of interest to our many "cousins"...Kirriemuir, Glamis, Forfar (both the old kirkyard and Newmonthill), Glen Isla, and Lintrathen. I also purchased the newest CD from Tay Valley Family History Society entitled "Memorial Inscriptions - Angus Glens Edition" which includes links to gravestone images. Included in the CD are Airlie, Lintrathen, Glen Isla, Cortachy, Glen Prosen, Pipers Hillock, Glen Clova, Lethnot, Lochlee Old and New. As time goes by, I will try to catagorize the photos so that I can list the family names on this blog.