Monday, June 28, 2010


James McKenzie:
James McKenzie was christened on 8 June 1793 in the Parish of Glenisla, Scotland.  He was the second son and third child of John McKenzie and Margaret Findlay.  His sister, Helen was christened in the Lintrathen parish on 25 Januaray 1789.  Parish records of Kingoldrum tell us that on 13 Sept. 1790, Thomas son of John McKenzie and Margaret Findley, was baptized.  The family was living was listed as living at "Mukle Kennie."  By the time of James's birthy had had moved again and were living at Longdrum. The witnesses were David Mill & Thomas McInnes.

James's mother died at his birth or shortly after for by 25 Janurary 1795, his father had already remarried Christian Gordon and had lawful son, David, with her.  He was christened in the Parish of Lintrathen and the family still resided at Longdrum.  Three more siblings would follow:

Shusan was christened in Lintrathen on 1 December 1799.  The family resided at Balnakillie.

Isobel was christened in Lintrathen on 13 August 1804, while the family resided at Blackdykes.

When Elizabeth was christened in Lintrathen on 21 March 1807, the family still resided at Blackdykes, perhaps indicating some stability had come into their lives.

We don't know much about James's life, except that we know life was challenging in Scotland.   There was a school master listed in the parish records in Glenisla, but we don't know if James would have had that opportunity.  Most likely he began to work at a young age.  It would have been hard to earn a living in the rocky soil of Glenisla.

On 11 June 1813, James married Margaret Downey in the parish of Lintrathen.  Both were listed as of that parish.  But Margaret had been born in Crathie, a parish through a mountain pass north of Glenisla and Lintrathen and into Aberdeenshire.  Her parents were Lewis Downey, a farmer according to her death record, and Catherine Lamond.

Margaret had been born in 4 November 1780 to Lewis and Catherine Lamond DOWNEY of Crathie, Aberdeen. 

James and Margaret had 4 children together:

Catherine McKenzie was born 24 November 1816 and christened 25 November.  The family was living at Brae of Blackdykes, Lintrathen.  (A history of  Catherine will be posted.)

John McKenzie was christened 8 December 1818.  The family still resided at Brae of Blackdykes.  (I have not been able to identify any information on John after the 1841 census.)

Isobel or Isabella McKenzie was born 20 February 1822.  Her christening is listed twice in the parish register of Lintrathen:
Frame 740 lists birth location as Pitguan.
Frame 770 lists it as Pittewan. The spelling on the map is Pitewan.
(A history of Isabella will be posted later)

Archibald Grewar McKenzie was christened 7 July 1825, while the family was living at Formal in Lintrathen. (A history of Archibald will be posted later.)

Census records give us a bit more information about the family:

CENSUS: 1841 Lintrathen, ED #3, p. 2: Gables: (In the census listing, Gables in right next to Middleton.)

James McKenzie, 45, Ag Lab, born in this county
Margaret McKenzie, 55, not born in this county
John McKenzie, 22, born in this county 
Catherine McKenzie, 20, born in this county  (Catherine is married to Alexander Anderson)
George Anderson, 3, born in this county (This is Catherine's son.)
Janet Anderson, 2, born in this county. (This is Catherine's daughter)
(Source: FHL flm # 1042679)

CENSUS: 1851 Lintrathen Census: ED #3, page 5, #14: Gables:
James McKenzie, head, 58, mar, occupation: Carrier(as near as I can tell), born Forfar, Lintrathen.
Margaret McKenzie, wife, mar, 68, Aberdeenshire, Crathy. (FHL film#1042226)
In another household at Gables, Isabell McKenzie (age 28, born in Lintrathen) is listed as being a widowed houseservant.  Is this our Isabella McKenzie?  I have not been able to find a marriage record for her.)

On 5 August 1851, Margaret joined the Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-day Saints, as had her 2 daughters.  There is no record that James ever joined the church.

Just three short years later, Margaret lost her husband.  There is a burial record for James McKenzie of Middleton of 10 July 1854 in Lintrathen. 

Margaret lived as a widow for 6 more years.  Scottish Civil Registration Entry #328 gives the information on Margaret's death, The location is Backburn, Alyth, Scotland. Margaret's daughters are listed as living there at other times as was Margaret's sister in the 1861 census so she was probably living with her family.  Margaret is listed as a 77 year old widow. Her parents are noted as Lewis Downie, (farmer, deceased) and Catherine Lamond Downie (deceased). Margaret died of old age. She is buried in the Lintrathen churchyard. Isabella McKenzie reported the death.

1 comment:

  1. David Mill (Milne) and Thomas McInnes that witnessed the baptism of James McKenzie were most likely my 3rd Great Grandparents. David Mill was the farmer at Westerton of Balintore and Thomas McInnes was the farmer at Longdrum. I have a letter from Thomas McInnes to James Mill son of the above David asking if he would take over the lease of Longdrum. Thomas was my 5th G. G. and was retiring. I do have a connection to Janet McKenzie married to john Philp in Eastmiln. My direct line is through David Mill (Milne). Best regards, Lynda (Canada)
